Vibrant Art Visions, mixed media art, collage art classes, colourful art, Marie Ndolo


I am super excited to share with you that my new Mixed Media Art Membership is up and running. The vision for this membership is to create friendly and supportive community of artists/creatives who love colour and mixed media art. A space for artists to develop their art skills and confidence and feel that they are not alone. Instead you are supported by fellow artists who understand and care for each other.

If you have been dreaming of growing as an artist but don't know where to start, what to do or you are not happy with the art that you create, this is for you. An art community that will guide you, help you to grow and support you all the way. 


Whimsical Rose, mixed media art, online art class, Marie Ndolo, Vibrant art visions, vibrant art,
Marie Ndolo, vibrant colourful flowers, Marie Ndolo Art, Iris


I am very passionate about mixed media art. For years I have been experimenting with variety of different materials and techniques and learned how to combine them in such a way that it feels like me. I love vibrant colours, textures and abstract realism.


Over the last eight years, I have been running regular mixed media art classes from my studio. I created beautiful, caring community of local artist who grow their skills and confidence as artists but also see lots of benefits in their emotional well-being. It’s beautiful to see their growth and progress. That's why I am so excited about opening my new Mixed Media Art online Membership. I'll be able to spread even more creative sparkles and help more artist on their artistic journey to become a confident artist with their own artistic vision.

Mixed media art classes, online classes, flower art class, bird art class, Marie Ndolo, Vibrant Art Visions, learn to paint, vibrant art


  • Empowering Community: Connect and get to know fellow artists who are on the same path. It's your chance to make real connections.
  • Guidance: During the Live Call classes or Q&A and Critique live, I'll be me answering all your questions and also giving feedback on your completed artwork. Our support group is open 24/7.
  • Exclusive Resources: As time progresses, we have a bigger library of art classes, demos, live calls, and Q&A sessions—all designed to inspire and elevate your art. These cover variety of different subjects.
  • Learn From Comfort Of Your Home: Not everyone is able to attend in person art classes. Fortunately, now we have an opportunity to learn from all parts of the world and in our time. You can start painting any time you want or feel like.


After joining the membership you will be invited to join life Welcome Member call to meet all fellow artists and to celebrate your decision towards becoming an artist that you want to be. I'll show you how to navigate in our new membership platform and answer any questions that you might have.

Every month we focus and explore a specific theme.  This is an example of what you might expect every month. 

  • Week 1. New monthly Art Project. This is a prerecorded step by step tutorial delivered first week of a month.
  • Week 2. Zoom Live class, skill/technique builder. Monday 7pm UK time
  • Week3. Zoom Live class, small painting demonstration to apply newly learned skill. Monday 7pm UK time
  • Week 4.  Q&A and critique, Monday 7pm UK time

All classes are recorded. You will have access to all classes, demos, life calls and Q&As as long as you stay a member. Over a time this will be a library of fantastic mixed media recourses and tutorials that you can revisit as many times as you want.

Marie Ndolo, mixed media art classes online, Vibrant Art Visions, online art classes, kingfisher art class, collage, gelli plate
Joy of Colour, Mixed media art class, art membership, vibrant colour, collage art, flower art tutorial, Marie Ndolo


If you ever experienced staring at the blank canvas and knowing what to do, being overwhelmed by self-doubt and uncertainty, you're not alone. Many of us strugle with these same challenges on our creative journeys. But here's the good news: with the right support and guidance, you can overcome these obstacles and unleash your artistic potential.

How would you feel if you went from:

  • overwhelmed to have a clarity on what to do and how to do it.
  • believing that you are not enough to confident artist with their own voice
  • questioning quality of your work to believing that your work is great
  • not knowing what to paint to creating your own portfolio of your work

I believe that it's all possible. I believe in transformation, that with the right mindset we can achieve imaginable and that we can totally shape our lives towards what we want. So if want to give it a test drive and want to embark on an artventure with me and fellow artist who want to have fun along the way,  join us.